SIMATIC WinCC是第一个使用最新的32位技术的过程监视系统,具有良好的开放性和灵活性。
与 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3 相比,新的 SIMATIC WinCC V7.x合并了所有以前的 WinCC 更新,并在功能方面具有以下更改:
WinCC V7.x支持以下 Microsoft 操作系统:
Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 位),适用于 WinCC 单用户系统/客户端/服务器
Windows 2003 Server SP2 标准版(32 位),适用于 WinCC 服务器/单用户系统/客户端
Windows 2003 Server R2 SP2 标准版(32 位),适用于 WinCC 服务器/单用户系统/客户端
Windows 2008 Server SP2 (32 位),适用于 WinCC 服务器/单用户系统/客户端
Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1 (64 位),适用于 WinCC 服务器/单用户系统
Windows 7 SP1 (32 位/64 位) Professional、Enterprise、Ultimate,适用于 WinCC 单用户系统/客户端/服务器
在多用户系统配置中,Windows XP 和 Windows 7 SP1 允许有最多 3 个客户端连接。
2 移植
V6.2 SP3
V7.0 (带/不带 SP)
3 Graphics Designer 中的扩展
针对 PDL 画面和画面块,通过密码来提供专门知识保护
4 支持 Unicode
WinCC 可安装 9 种语言
可用 Unicode 格式来导出文本
5 通过创新的 WinCC Configuration Studio 简化标签平衡组态
使用与 Excel 类似的组态选项
6 新的通信通道
通向新 CPU (S7-1200/S7-1500)的通信通道(仅限绝对地址,不支持 CPU 报警)
引入了 OPC UA 服务器(DA、HDA)
7 归档系统中的扩展
Alarm Control 中采用不同颜色的列
将服务器间的通信扩展至最多 18 个冗余服务器
增加了 WebNavigator 的客户端授权(1、5、100 和 150)
用于进行可扩展的历史数据归档的新选项 SIMATIC Process Historian
用于实现灵活报告系统的新选项 SIMATIC Information Server
Simatic HMI WinCC v7.3 | 8.13 GB
Description: SIMATIC WinCC is scalable process visualization that has the powerful functions for the control of automated processes.
WinCC provides all the functionality of SCADA for Windows for all industries – from single user to distributed multi-user systems with redundant servers and global solutions with web-clients.
In particular, WinCC is characterized by absolute openness.
It can easily be used in combination with standard and custom software that allows you to create human-machine interfaces that exactly match the practical requirements.
Thanks to open interfaces system integrators who develop software that can create their own applications using WinCC as a basis for system extensions. WinCC – a modern system with intuitive user interface. It is suitable for use in offices and in the production of functionally complete and reliable in operation, effectively designed and adapts easily to solve both simple and complex tasks.
Install IIS and MQ / Install IIS and Message Queue
ssue Date: 2014/07
Version: 7.3 Build 0
Developer: Siemens
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Language: Multilingual (Russian absent)
Crack / EKB_Install: Read Directory EKB_Install and choose wisely desired configuration – over punishable transition in Demo mode.
System requirements: Cray 15 GHz, 16 TB … Pentium IV 2 GHz, 1 GB
Windows7 x32/64, Windows Server 2008 x64
Windows 8.1 (32-Bit / 64-Bit)
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
密码:71i3 |