[软件故障] "The requested resource is in use"的几个原因及解决方法
1. you installed/registered(安装/注册) windows scripting components(脚本组件) recently.
run-> c:\inetpub\adminscripts\synciwam.vbs
if you get 'can't find script engine...." error then download and install latest windows script 5.5 from microsoft web
run -> c:\inetpub\adminscripts\synciwam.vbs ( again ) and just restart iis services ( iisreset /restart ) (解决方法:尝试下载
2. if site is in medium protection level(应用程序保护已经设置为"中") it uses com+ and iwam account.
a. launch dcomcnfg.exe (from start --> run)
b. click on the default properties tab.
c. under default authentication level, be sure it's set to connect (most likely it's on none).
d. under default impersonation level, make sure it's set to identify.
e. be sure dcom is enabled on the machine (the first box should be checked). (尝试在dos模式下运行dcomcnfg.exe,点击default
properties tab,在 default authentication level,设置为identify,并确认dcom是被开启的)
3. permission problem with iwam account.
you can install regmon & filemon from www.sysinternals.com and log the details and see whether any access denied occurs. (解
决方法:检查系统iwam帐号权限是否有作过改动,并将他恢复,可以从www.sysinternals.com 下载regmon和filemon进行检查)
4. the oleaut32.dll is unregistered for somereason.
problem occured once after installing pc anywhere. (解决方法:重新注册oleaut32.dll组件,dos模式下运行regsvr32 oleaut32.dll)
5. 瑞星杀毒软件也可能导致此情况,卸载之后可以(解决方法:暂停瑞星的时时监测/服务,然后重新启动iis)
6.http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q182059 (cache isapi application option causes asp to return error)
(解决方法:在iis中找到cache isapi application这个选项,然后开启他)
7.try installing windows scripting 5.6 . (同方法1)
8. http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2356
check your code, make sure all objects are closed and set to nothing. this includes any command or adox objects using an
active.connection property, make sure this property is set to nothing as well. if you are using thispage.navigateurl method,
use response.redirect or server.transfer instead - avoid the thispage object. install the latest service packs and security
releases (see article #2151), and make sure you have the most recent mdac refresh (microsoft data downloads). if you have
'cache asp applications' checked, try unchecking it temporarily (see kb #182059 for more information). try changing the
address space and/or isolation settings for the application / site in question. try dropping and re-creating the application.
in addition to these suggestions, if you are getting event id 36 in your event log, see article #2226. if you are getting
'the rpc server is unavailable', make sure you are not accessing a machine with an underscore in the name, and otherwise
follow the suggestions in article #2147 -- most importantly to restore the iwam account.
9. microsoft windows script downloads http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/webdev.asp
10.出现the remote procedure call failed and did not execute.或the requested resource is in use
12.尝试重新注册 vbscript.dll
运行一次: regsvr32 %windir%/system32/vbscript.dll
13.做了windows update後要再做reg
regsvr32 %windir%/system32/vbscript.dll |